Second trimester: 10 tips to watch for - body edition
My last blog was about things you should start doing or being aware of in your second trimester but it occurred to me a lot of that advice was about external things. Choosing vitamins, reading books, and so on.
Thing is, a whole lot is happening with physical changes too. So let’s spend a little time talking about what to watch for in terms of what’s happening with you specifically.
Even more second trimester tips
Don’t be alarmed by Braxton Hicks contractions: Your midwife will likely tell you about Braxton Hicks in your second trimester. They don’t happen to all women and sometime they don’t happen till the third trimester if at all. But these faux contractions can be your body’s way of practicing for the big day. Braxton Hicks feel like more mild contractions and are often irregular. You should be able to make them go away by relaxing, taking a bath or shower, or getting your mind on something else. If contractions continue and become regular, it’s time to call your health provider in case of preterm labour.
A stuffy nose is normal: Think you might have a cold? It could just be pregnancy. Joy. Remember your hormone levels are all over the place and your body is making extra blood. This can actually lead to a stuffy nose and in some cases nosebleeds. The things they don’t tell you, eh?
Blurry vision isn’t all in your head (so to speak): If you think your eye sight is changing, you might be correct. Like your nose, hormone changes can impact your vision as well. Good news is, if that vision is getting a little blurry, just wait till after the baby is born. Very rarely is it permanent.
Leg cramps are very real: I hated this part. Out of nowhere I started getting leg cramps so painful they’d wake me up at night and force me to get out of bed to deal with them. If your cramps are getting out of control, talk to your midwife or doctor. It could be you’re missing something in your diet such as magnesium or potassium. A supplement can help make the cramps go away. Make sure you’re drinking enough water as well. Dehydration can make cramps worse.
Breast changes: Not all the second trimester changes are bad news, lol. You’ll probably notice your bras are getting tighter. Pregnancy has been called a natural breast enhancer. You’ll likely go up a cup size or two. The changes for some women can be permanent, but most go back down to their per-pregnancy size after your baby starts on solid food (assuming you’re breast feeding). Likewise, your areolas may also grow and darken during pregnancy to help newborns latch more easily but the change will be temporary.
Hair changes: Noticing less hair in your shower drain? Yeah, that’s a thing. Hormones may make your hair grow faster and fall out less. Enjoy those thick, luscious locks now, though, because after birth that magic goes away and you may find yourself losing more hair than normal to make up for the last 9 months.
Stop watching the scale: I’m sure it comes to no one’s surprise that you’re going to gain weight. Duh. Thing is, the old adage about eating for two is not really accurate. You only actually need about 300 extra calories a day to grow a baby but trust me, you’ll want to eat more and don’t feel bad about it. Your body will tell you what it needs. On average, most women gain between 25-35 pounds. From the second trimester on, you’re averaging about a pound a week.
Watch your teeth: Yeah this is some next level horror I didn’t know about. Your baby can actually leech the calcium from your teeth as they grow. Watch for teeth changes and go to the dentist if you notice trouble with your enamel or new cavities. Gum swelling or infection can also be a warning sign. Make sure to be eating other sources of calcium like hard cheeses and yogurts to encourage your baby to leave your smile alone.
Don’t be alarmed by organs shifting around: Because that’s a thing. As your baby grows, it needs room to go somewhere. Which means everything that used to be in your abdomen gets pushed around. This can mean your bladder gets smooshed, making you need to go to the washroom more often. Your stomach can get compressed, resulting in fewer hunger cues so remember to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Even your diaphragm can get pressed on making it harder for your lungs to fully expand (lucky this happens later in the third trimester). Be kind to your body because it’s going through a hell of a lot right now.
Dizziness can come and go: Your circulation is changing and that might make you dizzy. If you feel like the world is spinning, sit down and take some deep breathes until it passes. Drinking enough water can help combat this. You should also avoid standing for long periods or moving too quickly. Consider changing your footwear to something comfortable and stable so that if you do get dizzy, it doesn’t result in a fall.
Remember, your body is doing something it’s never done before
Becoming a solo mom by choice for the first time is new to both you and your body. Be prepared for a lot of physical changes that might make you say, “What the hell just happened?” When in doubt, talk to your health provider or read up about what to expect in your pregnancy books. Remember, many of these changes are temporary and things will even out once your baby is here. Until then, enjoy the great hair and try to lean in to everything else.