What to pack in your hospital delivery bag
Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash
When you get close to your due date there’s a lot on your mind. One thing is your go bag. What should you take to the hospital with you and what should you leave? I packed an entire carry on bag full of stuff and used only a few things. Still, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
What to pack in your hospital go bag
For the baby
Clothes: You really don’t need much. The baby will be naked and swaddled most of the time until you’re ready to go home. Pack a nice outfit for going home pictures and a hat in case it’s cold out. Have a back up outfit (likely a sleeper) in case the first gets dirty. That’s really all you need. I packed pants, shirts, sleepers, and mittens. I used one sleeper.
Blankets: The baby will have swaddle blankets at the hospital but you might need a receiving blanket for the trip home, especially if they are little and you need the padding for the car seat. You might also want a warmer baby blanket to put over the infant if you’re headed into older weather.
Diapers: The hospital will likely provide what you need while you’re there but you should have a few back ups in case you need something fast or have an accident on your way home.
Car seat: The most important thing to pack is, of course, the car seat. Most hospitals won’t let you leave without one. Make sure you have the infant adaptor so the seat fits their smaller body.
For the mom
Health card and ID: Make sure you take your health card and any insurance info with you for easy check in.
Medical forms or midwife records pack: If you’ve been given a package of health records by your care provider, make sure that’s in your bag for go time.
Clothes: You will be in a hospital gown until you’re ready to go home so you don’t need much. You may even want to go home in the outfit you arrive in to save space. Think about having lower mobility, though. Jeans probably aren’t the way you want to go. A dress or yoga pants are a better option.
Maternity bra: You don’t need it for function yet per se but you might want it for comfort. Your breasts may be tender and enlarged when you go home so a regular bra may feel tight. You might also be leaking and maternity bras are easier to wash.
Flip flops or slip on shoes: You’ll want easy shoes when you go to the bathroom or walk around.
Socks: If your feet get cold easily, have a few pairs of socks available.
Charger and electronics: Make sure you have any electronics like your cellphone and its matching charger in your bag in case you’re there longer than anticipated.
Lip balm: This is a life saver. Take a good lip balm with you. Maybe even take two.
Nail file: No, you won’t be doing a manicure but if you happen to break a nail, you don’t want to scratch your newborn’s sensitive skin when you pick them up.
Hair tie: If you have long hair, you might want to tie it back. A tie is better than a clip if you need to be on your back lying down.
Makeup: You might want to pop some lipstick on for your new arrival hospital photo.
Face wash, body wash, and shampoo: You may get a shower, especially if you’re there a few days. If you get the chance to get clean, you’ll want the tools to do it. Don’t worry about a towel, that will be provided.
Toothbrush and toiletries: Likewise, make sure you have a toothbrush, toothpaste and any lotions you might need if you have to stay a day or two. Hospitals can be dry places.
Hair brush: Not going to lie, you look rough after delivery. Have a brush ready to tame the rat’s nest your hair becomes.
For the delivery
Snacks: You never know how long your labour will be. Have snacks ready, especially ones with protein like power bars or nuts.
Energy drinks: While you’ll have water at the hospital, you might want something with electrolytes if your labour takes hours. Pack a Gatorade or two in your bag just in case.
Headphones: You might want to listen to calming music or a meditation.
A playlist ready to go: Likewise, create a playlist of music, affirmations or meditations before you go in case you need them. You might also want to have a streaming service like Netflix set up on your phone in case labour takes a long time to kick into gear and you want to watch something light. I recommend Community.
A book: If you’re a reader, you might want to pack a book in case of a long, boring labour. Or have a reading app on your phone (remember that charger!). You might also want to take any important labour books you’ve read in case you need to reference anything like a meditation or position.
Pillow: This one is important! Take a pillow. The hospital ones aren’t great and yours will be more comfortable. Plus you can sit on it on your way home.
Underwear with pads or maternity underwear: Now odds are you’ll be in hospital underwear in recovery but for the ride home you will likely want your own. If not, go with what the hospital provides.
What NOT to pack in your hospital go bag
Tons of clothes: Both you and baby need very little in the way of outfits. Less is more.
A delivery gown: Save your money and use the hospital provided gowns. You will bleed and get other things on your gown. It’s nicer when they can just be swapped in and out when that happens.
Postpartum care items: Leave them at home. While yes you need them, the hospital will have pads and ice packs. Leave your fancy sprays for once you’re back.
A donut pillow: While nice in theory, I didn’t find I actually needed one. A regular pillow was enough to get home from the hospital and you might not even need that if you don’t tear.
Breastfeeding pillow: There’s not a ton of room at the hospital. Ask for an extra pillow if you need some arm support when you feed. Your baby will be small enough that you can nurse comfortably with just that.
Hair dryer/curler: Unless you’re really into the perfect photo, you don’t need these extras. You’ll be exhausted and likely won’t have the energy to have picture perfect hair.
Laptop: Unless you’re being induced and anticipate hours of boredom where watching a movie might be nice, you don’t need large electronics. Once things really kick off, you’re not going to be paying attention to Netflix.
Blankets: While they might be cozy, again you don’t want to bleed on anything nice. Just ask your nurse if you’re cold.
Painkillers: The hospital will give you what you need if you have postpartum pain. And remember, Tylenol is better than Advil in the first few days.
Try not to take a huge suitcase, you really don’t need it. Most of your packed items will be “just in case” things anyways. I had snacks and drinks ready to go that were never touched, for example. But better to have them and not need them than to wish you had XYZ in the middle of labour.
I found putting things into Ziplock bags in my suitcase helped keep things organized. One Ziplock for baby clothes, another for pads, another for toiletries, etc. It also made things easier if I had to ask someone else to get something from the bag.
Good luck, mommas!